How to choose the best protein powder for you
When it comes to adding a protein powder to the diet, a number of questions might surface, especially as you gaze upon the never-ending shelves stacked high and low with seemingly similar protein powder products. In those moments, you might be thinking “should I be taking protein powder?” or “do I need to take one because isn’t food better?”.
If you make it past these initial thoughts and considerations and decide to proceed, your follow-up questions might be “which one do I even choose?” or “how do I know which one is right for me?”
“Hold on a second, why is protein important again? What’s all the hype about anyway?”
All fantastic questions that a metabolic detective should be asking.
The world of nutrition science is an overwhelming and often contradictory place. It’s not easy to sift through the data and filter out nutritional information that is personally meaningful and relevant to our health goals. Let alone, distill that information into eating and nutrition habits.
Let’s take a few steps back and talk about the importance of protein
Protein is present in every cell in the human body. It is the main component of our muscles, bones, organs, skin, and nails. We need protein in the diet to help our body repair cells and make new ones.
As Bella explains in this video, a protein’s average lifespan is 1–2 days in cells. For this reason, it is crucial to replenish stores with high-quality protein sources, so our cells have the building blocks they need to keep us in tip-top shape!
Another reason to prioritize protein in the diet is digestive function. As we age, protein is not as easily absorbed in the body due to changes in the digestive system, such as the lowering of gastric juices that help us break down food for improved nutrient absorption. For this reason, protein requirements increase as we get older!
Other lifestyle factors impact our needs as well. Those who exercise and engage in physical activities for sport, fitness, or fun need more protein than the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for optimal health.
There is a range in the literature, but the current recommended dietary allowances (RDA) of protein for those of us who aren’t regularly active is 0.8-1.2g/kg (or 0.36-0.55g/lb) body mass. For active individuals, the amount of protein needed for muscle repair and recovery varies from just above the RDA to just over two times the RDA. Depending on training, that means 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.
Needs vary, as we get older and according to our physical activity levels.
The convenience factor
All that being said, it can be a challenge to plan, prep, and consume that amount of protein per day, especially if you’re busy.
Luckily, protein powders are a convenient option for those of us with a busy lifestyle and constantly on the go.
As an easy way to get protein into the diet, the next question is how to choose one? After all, there are so many on the market!
If you find this overwhelming and you don’t know where to start, you’re not alone!
Here at Metabolic Living, we recommend a high-quality whey protein – if you do not have an allergy to whey products. Those who are sensitive to whey products may tolerate some whey protein powder products, but this is highly individualized. Spoiler alert: the quality of these products plays a significant role for some people.
Let’s review the many reasons for choosing a whey protein powder
- For optimal repair and recovery, our muscles need all 20 amino acids, including the essential ones that the body can’t produce on its own. Whey protein has them all!
- Protein digestion and absorption. Eating is not the same as absorption. As Bella explains in this video, whey protein is superior when it comes to protein absorption. By extension, boosting protein absorption means better delivery of amino acids, which allows for muscle growth (good if you want to gain or maintain muscle).
- Fat loss. Whey suppresses our hunger hormones for up to 4 hours, which keeps us feeling full for longer. In general, prioritizing protein in our meals will help balance cortisol and insulin levels. Both of these hormones contribute to better appetite regulation and reduced cravings. Research also shows that whey protein increases our overall daily calorie burn, which can support fat loss too.
- Energy and mood. Whey protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels between meals, supporting sustained energy levels and a stable mood. That’s because your body has a good supply of fuel for 3-4 hours after eating protein, versus 1.5-2 hours after eating predominantly carbohydrates. In addition, whey protein supplies the building blocks for making important hormones in the brain. Hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for keeping our mood in check!
Metabolic Super Protein
Unfortunately, not all whey protein powders are created equally. So, Metabolic Living made its own Metabolic Super Protein. Here are 3 reasons why you might choose it.
- Quality
- Taste/Texture
- And last but not least, it’s not just protein powder (more on this shortly)
When selecting whey protein, it is crucial to get one from grass-fed cows and sourced from countries with high standards and regulations, such as Australia and New Zealand. Metabolic Super Protein® whey protein concentrate is sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows. No artificial flavors. No added sugars. No nasties. In addition, every batch is tested for heavy metals, yeast, bacteria, and mold.
And in case you were wondering, each scoop provides 15 grams of whey protein concentrate per scoop.
If the texture is super important to you, we’ve got you covered! Our whey protein is very smooth. No clumping, and no chalky taste. For additional convenience, you can simply add to water and shake for a milkshake-like consistency. At 1 gram of naturally occurring sugars, it is sweet but without added sugars.
If you love to bake, you can use it in baked goods. Whether it’s cakes, protein bowls, or oatmeal, you can use it in recipes to replace sugar. Check out our recipes for inspiration. Here’s a delicious smoothie bowl recipe using Metabolic Super Protein in Dark Chocolate.
Not just protein powder
In addition to whey protein, Metabolic Super Protein® contains collagen peptides. Both whey and collagen peptides are already built into every scoop. Collagen has numerous health benefits for the gut, hair, skin, and nails.
It also contains a mobility blend to support joint health for a healthy range of motion, and an electrolyte blend to help boost performance during and after workouts.
Lastly, a digestive enzyme blend rounds out this unique protein powder to support protein breakdown for enhanced absorption.
Whey sensitivities
Some people who are sensitive to dairy and/or whey can consume Metabolic Super Protein Powder with no side effects or issues. That being said, please avoid whey protein powders and other whey-based products if you have a severe allergy. If you have a slight sensitivity and you think you might be able to tolerate it, then talk to your nutritionist or healthcare provider about it.
If you are interested in adding a vegan protein powder to your diet, opt for pea protein or hemp protein, as these are superior plant-based proteins, according to our lead Nutritionist Bella Yon.
Other tips and tricks
Labels: What to look out for.
- No added sugars, fillers, flavoring. Essentially, no “weirdness” please, and thanks!
- Carbohydrates: keep as low as possible, and aim for 6 grams or less. Plant-based protein powders typically have a little bit more carbohydrates than whey-based ones.
- Watch out for meal replacement products, which usually contain lots of added sugars. At 200-300 calories per serving, this is going to have a completely different impact on the metabolism. Look for protein powders that contain approximately 100 – 150 calories per scoop. You can always add ingredients to your shakes to increase the calories.
- Organic whenever possible 🙂
That’s the main scoop on it, folks!
More importantly, find what works for you. If you can tolerate whey, great! Either way, get your daily protein in, whether it’s through food or a combination of food and protein powder.
Final question: how to get it? (actually, one more question – Creamy Vanilla or Dark Chocolate? jk. Both!)
Interested in ordering Metabolic Super Protein? Call 800-315-8556 to order some today!
And please reach out if you have any questions. We’ll be more than happy to help!